American African (DOS)

' While existing in an unjust, unfair, and unequal American society, the worst way to demolish the system of white supremacy is to treat all victims equally. '


American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS)

' This is not Crayola. It's not about melanin, your skin color doesn’t matter; your hair, eyes, physical features, none of it matters. This is about lineage only; American lineage and our government owes us. '


Descendants of American Slaves (DAS)

' Slavery is the foundation of America and the economic cornerstone to the American economy. Slavery was a business and it will take a business to secure reparations. '


Foundational Black Americans (FBA)

' Foundational Black Americans is about culture only. We’re not a political organization, we’re not a business; FBA is our lineage. We built this country; now cut the check! '


Foundational Black Americans (FBA) is the term coined by author, singer and film producer Tariq Nasheed to describe the name for black Americans who descend out of American chattel slavery.

Tariq claims “Foundational Black Americans” is simply the name that describes American lineage; he states they are not an organization, movement, political action group or business.

All information about Foundational Black Americans is to be understood on an individual level. In other words, FBA does not have collective agency as a “tribe” per se, rather they are untethered to a particular group doctrine or unified ideology.

“You are who you are” is the consensus.

FBA has no leadership structure; they’re not led by anyone which means Foundational Black Americans speak individually on behalf of themselves. Put another way, they’re all individuals who contribute to their group’s collective interest which is reparations for their people but there is no structure because the name FBA simply describes their collective lineage.

Since FBA do not identify by Sub-Saharan African genetics and have no official requirements to receive reparations; it’s understood recipients need to be black and also descend from American chattel slavery. There are no legal routes publicly outlined on how to obtain reparations except on an individual level. Simply put, FBA do not have public documentation or a direct pathway in which they plan to receive reparations. There are no public guidelines, written demands, specific asks, official documents, or legal protocol to widely view their official stance as a group; which is to say, it’s understood once U.S. reparations passes into law through U.S. legislation, that’s when FBA will receive reparations compensation.

Foundational Black Americans are encouraged to learn about black history, black culture, business, finance, and economics; they feel these subjects best prepare them to receive reparations from the U.S. government. Mr. Neely Fuller, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Claud Anderson, and other black scholars are considered pioneers who’ve paved the way for them to grow and evolve beyond victims of white supremacy. FBA seek to replace the system of white supremacy with the system of justice and this begins with the U.S. government paying reparations which is a debt owed to them.

Most FBA collective interaction remains online through social media activism however, Tariq holds an annual FBA conference in which everyone comes together once a year to learn about various topics relevant to black American culture, American lineage and the ability to thrive and survive within the United States of America.

Foundational Black Americans are encouraged to not participate in the U.S. voting process. As such, if no 2020 presidential candidate offers reparations, the consensus is to stay at home on election day; do not vote at all. They feel no amount of voting has helped them in the past and it will not help them in the future unless reparations is on the ballot.

For more information about FBA, feel free to contact anyone who claims that name or click the social media links below.

Last note

The National Assembly of American Chattel Slavery was founded in August 2020. We maintain the importance of knowing who you are, what you stand for and what you believe. Our people descend from the enslaved black ancestors who built the United States of America from the ground up. Together, we declare and establish ourselves as a separate group and identity from all other American citizens. Categorization is as follows: American African, American Descendant of Slavery, Foundational Black American and Descendant of American Slaves. As a non-profit organization established for our common purpose, NAOACS acknowledges and respects each identity and welcome group participation in shared projects to advance our collective cause for the betterment of our people. United we stand, divided we fall.